Go here to see more images.
There is a UI mailing list for Squeak discussing this and other UI improvements.
Yet another software development blog (YASDB). The blog will cover my software engineering interests including (but not limited to): RIA (Flex, AIR, and Silverlight), Languages (ActionScript, C#, Ruby, Lisp/Scheme, Smalltalk, Io, Erlang), Language Paradigms (object oriented, dynamic, functional, and concurrent programming, cross platform development, and development process.
Go here to see more images.
There is a UI mailing list for Squeak discussing this and other UI improvements.
"Why on earth would you be interested in Smalltalk? That ship set sail 30 years ago and hasn't been popular since the 80's. Think you can find a job using that language buddy?"Popularity and finding a job aren't my motivators for learning Smalltalk, but I do have several other motivations: